Earth Science Regents Review Question Preview (ID: 47197)

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Global warming is most likely occurring due to an increase in
a) carbon dioxide and methane gases in the atmosphere
b) oxygen and nitrogen gases in the atmosphere
c) ultraviolet radiation and x rays reflected from Earth
d) visible light and radio waves reflected from Earth

Which weather variable generally decreases when wind speed is increasing, clouds are thickening, and visibility drops?
a) relative humidity
b) dewpoint
c) preciptation
d) air pressure

What is the approximate percent of oxygen by volume present in Earth's lower atmosphere?
a) 21%
b) 33%
c) 46%
d) 94%

Approximately 2.2 billion years ago, which gas was first added in large amounts to Earth's atmosphere from life-forms that evolved in the oceans?
a) carbon dioxide
b) water vapor
c) oxygen
d) nitrogen

To a nighttime observer on Earth, how many degrees do the stars appear to move around Polaris in 3 hours?
a) 60 degrees
b) 45 degrees
c) 3 degrees
d) 15 degrees

As Earth travels in its orbit, Earth's axis
a) remains parallel to itself at all Earth positions
b) remains aligned with the Sun's axis
c) is perpendicular to the Moon's axis
d) is pointing toward the center of the Milky Way

Which sequence of stars is listed in order of increasing luminosity
a) Spica, Rigel, Deneb, Betelgeuse
b) Polaris, Deneb, 40 Eridani B, Proxima Centauri
c) Barnard's Star, Alpha Centauri, Rigel, Spica
d) Procyon B, Sun, Sirius, Betelegeuse

The direction of swing of a Foucault pendulum appears to change due to Earth's
a) revolution
b) rotation
c) spherical shape
d) elliptical orbit

Great amounts of energy are released in the core of a star as lighter elements combine and form heavier elements during the process of
a) compaction
b) condensation
c) radioactive decay
d) nuclear fusion

Which geologic event occurred in New York State at the end of the Triassic Period?
a) domelike uplift of the Adirondack region
b) formation of the Catskill delta
c) retreat of the last continental ice
d) intrusion of the Palisades sill

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