Chapter 29 World War II Part 3 Question Preview (ID: 47191)

Chapter 29 World War II Part 3 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is Anti-Semitism?
a) Prejudice against Jews.
b) A feeling of compassion towards Jews.
c) Prejudice against non-German people.

What problems did Jews fleeing Germany face?
a) Few countries accepted them.
b) They had no way to travel.
c) They didn’t really want to leave.

Why were Mexicans brought to the US during WWII?
a) To help American farmers grow food.
b) To escape war in their country.
c) To fight in the US army.

What was the role of African Americans in WWII?
a) Initially African Americans were only assigned non combat roles, later although still segregated, they fought in every role.
b) African Americans were not allowed to fight.
c) African Americans didn't want to fight for the US.

How did Japanese Americans respond to suspicions about their loyalty to the U.S.?
a) They volunteered for the military and worked as interpreters.
b) They moved to Japan.
c) They hid so that they couldn't be found until after the war was over.

How did the government try to make it right with the Japanese Americans?
a) In 1988 President Bush apologized and gave $20,000 to every Japanese American who had been interned in the camps.
b) The government apologized, but said they would do it again if they had to.
c) They paid for any relatives still living in Japan to come to the US.

How did Roosevelt respond to fears that Japanese Americans were secretly aiding Japan?
a) Forced Japanese Americans into internment camps for 3 years.
b) He told the people to relax, that these were Americans and they had nothing to worry about.
c) He sent all Japanese Americans to Japan.

Why were women given noncombat jobs in the military?
a) So they could “Free a Man to Fight.”
b) They were to frail for “real” work.
c) They had lots of free time with nothing to do.

What challenges did women face as they joined the workforce?
a) Both are true.
b) Employers were initially reluctant to hire them and they were paid less than men.
c) They were seen as unfeminine and many were fired when men returned.

What were war bonds?
a) A government certificate that pays interest.
b) A way to tie up war criminals.
c) The band that play music to fight by.

How did the government deal with the fear of inflation?
a) It established Office of Price Administration to control prices and rationing ie. meat, sugar, and coffee.
b) Congress passed a bill, but the president vetoed it.
c) It did nothing and hoped things would get better.

How did the War Production Board help the war?
a) Both are true.
b) They transformed American factories into machines for making the necessities of war.
c) Organized drives to collect scrap iron, tin cans, paper, rags, and cooking fat for recycling into war goods.

Where did ordinary men find the courage for combat life?
a) They were motivated by Patriotism and the desire to help their buddies.
b) They knew it was fight or stand in line for soup.
c) They were so angry from the Great Depression that that was all the motivation they needed.

What did G-I mean?
a) Government-Issued referred to supplies by troops started referring to themselves that way
b) Government - Informed referred to the way that information was communicated.
c) Government - involved referred to the way that the government was involved in the business of other countries.

How did Jewish Americans respond to the Holocaust?
a) Both are true.
b) They enlisted.
c) Rabbis protested the silence of the world when an entire people is being murdered.

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