Ch 7 - Progress And Problems Question Preview (ID: 47172)

Preparation For The Ch 7 Test/. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who made people aware of problems in America?
a) experts
b) journalists
c) scientists

What did Henry Ford's car run on?
a) steam
b) batteries
c) gasoline

Which president supported Progressive ideas?
a) William Howard Taft
b) Theodore Roosevelt
c) Woodrow Wilson

Who wanted more power returned to ordinary people?
a) farmers
b) businesses
c) the poor

Who did some Americans think might not practice the skills needed to get good jobs?
a) farmers
b) businesses
c) the poor

describes American life in the early 1900s
a) culture
b) progress
c) segregation
d) muckrakers

authorities on American life who study societies
a) muckrakers
b) jounalists
c) social scientists
d) pastors

customs, beliefs, arts, and institutions of a group of people
a) culture
b) progress
c) segregation
d) experts

the act in which white and black Americans had to stay separated
a) culture
b) progress
c) providence
d) segregation

wrote news stories that focused on bad news and sin
a) experts
b) journalists
c) muckrakers
d) scientists

Booker T Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois had different opinions on how to deal with segregation.
a) True
b) False

Some of the most respected leaders in the US in the 1800s were pastors.
a) True
b) False

New inventions in the 1900s made life harder.
a) True
b) False

Wilbur and Orville Wright built a glider that could fly on its own power and was directed by a pilot.
a) True
b) False

Farmers wanted more power returned to the ordinary people.
a) True
b) False

What is the belief that God rules over all and that nothing happens apart from God's plan or permission?
a) segregation
b) providence
c) progess
d) populists

Which people did Progressives want to run the schools?
a) social scientists
b) journalists
c) pastors
d) experts

Who became much wealthier than anyone else in the country?
a) business leaders
b) journalists
c) pastors
d) scientists

What did college teachers turn to as a source of truth?
a) the Bible
b) newspapers
c) encyclopedias
d) science

What did Progressives want employers to buy so they would have money to pay hurt employees?
a) first aid kits
b) accident insurance
c) nurses
d) car insurance

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