5th-6th Grade Science Chapter 11 Review- Respiratory System, Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 47154)

5th-6th Grade Science Chapter 11 Review- Respiratory System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which part of the respiratory system are sac-like organs that replace the carbon dioxide in your blood with oxygen?
a) the bronchioles
b) the bronchi
c) the cilia
d) the lungs

Which part of the respiratory system is a strong curved muscle attached to the lower ribs and backbone?
a) cilia
b) epiglottis
c) alveoli
d) diaphragm

Which part of the body controls breathing?
a) brain
b) trachea
c) lungs
d) cilia

Where does the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place?
a) in the pharynx
b) in the alveoli
c) in the bronchi
d) in the trachea

Which part of the respiration system is the flap of tissue that covers the trachea when a person swallows?
a) diaphragm
b) vocal chords
c) larynx
d) epiglottis

Breathing that you can think about and control for a short time is called ______.
a) involuntary
b) voluntary
c) inviolent
d) violent

When the lungs become infected, a person has ___________.
a) the flu
b) bronchitis
c) pneumonia
d) a cold

Irritation to the lining of the airways causes air to be violently released through the nose in a ______.
a) hiccup
b) cough
c) booger
d) sneeze

The pitch of a sound that you make depends on the length and _____ of your vocal cords.
a) sensitivity
b) color
c) thickness
d) temperature

The sound caused by air that cannot move freely and causes parts of the mouth and throat to vibrate and hit together is a _____.
a) vocal chord
b) larnyx
c) snore
d) hiccup

Cells use oxygen and produce _____.
a) carbon dioxide
b) oxygen
c) helium
d) nickel

In order to live and function, every cell needs _____.
a) carbon dioxide
b) oxygen
c) helium
d) nickel

Which respiratory disorder often causes the muscles around the bronchial tubes to tighten more than normal, making it hard for a person to breath?
a) the flue
b) asthma
c) a cold
d) pneumonia

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