Part 1 / S.C. End Of Year 7th-grade Science Review Question Preview (ID: 47145)

S.C. End Of Year Unit Review 7th Grade Chemistry, Cells, Human Body Systems, Heredity, Ecology. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) One Benefits, One suffers
b) Both Benefit
c) One benefits, One not affected

Cells are the smallest unit that can carry on all functions of
a) death
b) elements
c) molecules
d) life

What type of organism would be at the top of an energy pyramid? ___________ The bottom? _________
a) carnivore, producer
b) producer, Apex predator
c) Producer, Consumer
d) secondary producer, herbivore

a) One Benefits, One suffers
b) Both Benefit
c) One benefits, One not affected

The top of the soil profile is mostly composed of ________ ________ and the bottom of the soil profile is mostly composed of ___________
a) organic matter; rocks.
b) silt; gravel.
c) top soil; organic matter.
d) gravel; rocks.

Protons have a __________ charge, Neutrons a ____________ charge, Electrons a _________ charge
a) negative, neutral, positive
b) neutral, negative, positive
c) neutral, positive, negative
d) positive, neutral, negative

The set of genes carried by the organism is called the ___________ .
a) genotype
b) phenotype

The physical expression of the genes is called the _______________ .
a) genotype
b) phenotype

When an animal’s habitat begins to be destroyed, what is the animal’s response?
a) Death and possible extinction
b) It will adjust to new surroundings
c) It will move in with other animals
d) No affect on the animal

______________________ are composed of two or more different substances that retain their own individual properties and are combined physically.
a) Chemical change
b) Physical change
c) homozygous
d) mixtures

Plants use an organelle called a _______________ to perform ____________ and create their own food.
a) Nucleus, photosynthesis
b) Chloroplasts, photosynthesis
c) Nucleus, cellular respiration
d) Chloroplasts, cellular respiration

What energy role do animals function as in a food web?
a) carnivores
b) prey
c) consumers
d) decomposers

Mixtures can be separated ______
a) chemically
b) by physical means
c) they can't be seperated

In a chemical reaction the mass of the reactants must ___________ the mass of the products.
a) be greater than
b) be less than
c) be equal to

Large regions of the world that have different climates are called
a) biosphere
b) ecosystems
c) biomes
d) habitats

A tapeworm is an organism that lives inside the intestines of larger animals, including humans, and takes nutrients from its host. This type of symbiotic relationship is called
a) parasitism
b) commensalism
c) mutualism
d) Hosting

What organelle performs cellular respiration and known as the powerhouse of the cell?
a) Nucleus
b) mitochondria
c) Lysosome
d) Vacuole

What are the reactants and products of photosynthesis?
a) reactants- water, carbon dioxide, and Sunlight / Products- sugar and Oxygen
b) products- H20, CO2, and Sunlight / reactants- sugar and Oxygen
c) products- H20, O2, and Sugar/ reactants- sugar and Carbon dioxide
d) products- water, oxygen, and Sunlight / reactants- sugar and Oxygen

The job of the excretory system is to remove water and salts from your body and store them in your bladder, what is produced and expelled from the body?
a) blood
b) feces
c) urine
d) urea

What would happen to the population of a predator if its prey suddenly disappeared?
a) the prey population would rise
b) the predator species would decrease
c) Nothing would change
d) the prey would never completely disappear

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