Organisms And Environments Question Preview (ID: 47144)

Organisms And Environments. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is a natural event that causes changes to an ecosystem??
a) cutting down forests
b) burning fossil fuels
c) hurricanes
d) overfishing

Which of the following is an example of an inherited trait?
a) playing sports
b) reading
c) brown hair
d) speaking spanish

Which of the following is an example of a learned behavior?
a) riding a bike
b) shape of a leaf
c) long fur
d) hibernation

Which adaptation belongs to a dolphin?
a) a long neck to reach leaves high in trees
b) slower heart rate when diving deep into water
c) long, sharp claws to grip onto prey
d) color pattern to mimic other organisms.

Which of the following is NOT considered a structure with a function?
a) long legs
b) hibernation
c) large eyes
d) thick fur

which of the following organisms is a producer?
a) plant
b) bird
c) bacteria
d) snake

Which of the following organisms is a consumer?
a) plants
b) trees
c) mushrooms
d) mouse

Which of the following is Nonliving?
a) bird
b) tree
c) water
d) ant

Which of the following is living?
a) sun
b) sunlight
c) soil
d) human

What do plants and animals have in common?
a) they hatch from eggs.
b) they start as seeds.
c) they grow and reproduce.
d) they grow by eating.

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