Earth And Space Question Preview (ID: 47143)

Earth And Space. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Fossils are usually found in what type of rock?
a) igneous
b) metamorphis
c) sedimentary
d) granite

Most fossils are ____________ years old.
a) ten
b) two
c) twenty
d) millions of

which of the followin is NOT a fossil fuel?
a) oil
b) natural gas
c) fossils
d) coal

Which fossil fuel was made from ancient swamp plants?
a) oil
b) natural gas
c) fossils
d) coal

Which of the following alternative resources uses the energy of moving water?
a) geothermal
b) hydroelectric
c) solar
d) biofuel

Which of the following alternative resources generates electricity from burning the remains of plants and animals?
a) geothermal
b) hydroeclectric
c) solar
d) biofuel

Which of the following is a nonrenewable resource?
a) the sun
b) water
c) coal
d) plants

Which of the following is an example of weathering?
a) a sand dune forming in the desert.
b) a river carrying sediment downstream.
c) roots of plants breaking apart rocks.
d) rain washing away soil

What is an example of deposition?
a) a sand dune forming in the desert.
b) a river carrying sediment downstream.
c) roots of plants breaking apart rocks.
d) rain washing away soil

Which of the following is an example of Climate?
a) it rained today.
b) it's 98 degrees outside.
c) it's usually cold at the Antarctica.
d) it's supposed to be hot this weekend.

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