Force, Motion, And Energy Question Preview (ID: 47142)

Force, Motion, And Energy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following refracts light?
a) a desk
b) a brick wall
c) a camera lens
d) a spoon

A tool to show reflection would be _____________
a) a rainbow
b) a prism
c) a mirror
d) a lens

What type of energy does a windmill produce?
a) light
b) sound
c) thermal
d) mechanical

A fire has what type of energy?
a) sound
b) heat
c) mechanical
d) radical

What force would be used to separate iron filings from sand?
a) gravity
b) magnetism
c) friction
d) solubility

What is the energy from vibrations?
a) mechanical
b) electrical
c) light
d) sound

Which type of force is shown by falling out of bed?
a) magnetism
b) solubility
c) friction
d) gravity

Which of the following is NOT an example of force.
a) solubility
b) gravity
c) friction
d) magnetism

What is the energy of heat?
a) mechanical
b) light
c) thermal
d) sound

When will a circuit work?
a) when its closed.
b) when its open.
c) when its loud.
d) when its soft.

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