IBA Exam Review Question Preview (ID: 47138)

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In an descending sort, data with letters is arranged in alphabetical order (A to Z), data with numbers is arranged from lowest to highest, and data with dates is arranged from earliest to latest.
a) true
b) false

The range is the body of numbers the statistics will describe.
a) false
b) true

Dori knows that she has entered in an incorrect value of 4,231 in one of the cells and wants to find it. She would choose cell contents as her place to search in the_____ search option section.
a) search
b) within
c) all of the above
d) look in

You can change the width of several columns at one time. Select the columns you want to resize. Then, use the pointer to click and drag the edge of one of the selected column headings.
a) right
b) merge
c) capital
d) down

When you select the Merge Center button, only the contents from the cell in the are kept. All other content is deleted from the worksheet.
a) There is no answer cause I didn't read that book
b) under ctrl
c) upper-left
d) front

You can remove the borders from a selected cell by clicking
a) transparent
b) no border
c) blank
d) Idk, don't judge me

click the ctrl+ keys to
a) none of the above
b) all of the above
c) move
d) cut and bold

To insert a row, click the____ to select the row where you want the new row to appear. then, click the insert button in the cells group on the home tab.
a) row letter
b) row
c) row number
d) column side

____ are designated rows and/ or columns in a worksheet that print on each page.
a) print titles
b) markers
c) margin
d) print footers

You can change which cells are inclined in a reference by dragging any corner of the ___
a) formula bar
b) colored outline
c) cell
d) thingy with the words

The save as command saves an existing workbook on a disk, using its current name and save location.
a) true
b) false

When you start powerpoint, a new blank presentation appears on the screen.
a) false
b) true

A ____ chart shows the relationship of part to a whole .
a) pie
b) cranberry cake
c) line graph
d) bar graph

Powerpoint can ____ fonts into your presentation so that your text appears exactly as you originally created it.
a) lock
b) embed
c) upload
d) I don't understand the question

___ determines the best width for a column or the best height for a row, based on its contents.
a) B
b) Maxfit
c) autofit
d) A

the sequence used to calculate the value of a formula is called the ___
a) evaluation map
b) row formula
c) if i payed attention formula
d) order evaluation

The sum button is located in the ___ tab group on the ___ tab of the ribbon.
a) main tab, design
b) commands
c) editing, home
d) the ribbon

a header is text that prints in the top ___ of each page.
a) margin
b) footer
c) bottom
d) marker

By default the ___ theme is applied to each workbook
a) the second one
b) blank
c) office
d) excel

The print area consists of the cells and ranges designated for printing.
a) false
b) true
c) this not even on the paper
d) i'm just gonna pick c

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