Printing Press And Historical Sources Question Preview (ID: 47137)

Review Of Historical Sources And Adding Printing Press. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How did the Printing Press change Europeans lives?
a) larger part of the population could read and books were more affordable
b) it didn't have any impact until the computer was invented
c) it helped stop the spread of the Black Death
d) corn and potatoes were able to be traded quicker

How did the Printing Press change Europeans lives?
a) it allowed them a chance to talk to each other, especially face to face
b) education was an improvement bc people could read for themselves and not depend just on the teacher ; created more jobs
c) the manor was completed
d) it wasn't a positive because it ended the Renaissance

What were some of the struggles that occurred prior to the Printing Press?
a) the letters were unreadable and people complained more than today
b) the children were too busy outside playing or sewing to read
c) the farmers had no way of planting corn
d) the scribe would take months to make a book and the Germans were illiterate

Historical Sources are primary or secondary sources. What are some examples of primary sources?
a) an eyewitness to history or diary
b) event researched after it occurs,
c) only events that are in a book

Historical Sources are primary or secondary sources. What are some examples of primary sources?
a) speech , artifact or picture taken by someone that was there
b) only items in a book
c) event researched after it occurs,
d) newspaper articles

Prior to the Printing press, what was something impeding Germans for being able to read?
a) people had no way to trade books like a library
b) the children had no interest in reading because they were playing with their electronics
c) it was time consuming for the scribe to make the book, therefore, it was expensive

The printing press was an invention that helped improve exploration and the spread of ideas. What supports that statement?
a) it was time consuming for the scribe to make the book, therefore, it was expensive
b) more people could perfect their reading of Greek and Latin and take a closer look at the main influence, the BIble
c) the woodblock printing helped spread parchment paper
d) it was like a fire and spread quickly

When the printing press was invented, most were excited. Why?
a) The font was really cool
b) more jobs available
c) it created an opportunity to get outside the house more

Historical Sources are primary or secondary sources. What are some examples of secondary sources?
a) speech , artifact or picture taken by someone that was there
b) diary
c) interview from someone who experienced the event

Historical Sources are primary or secondary sources. What are some examples of secondary sources?
a) historian who wasn't there but had to research the information
b) diary, speech or photograph of someone who was an eyewitness
c) quote in a book from someone who experienced the event

What is a scribes role in the process of making books in the Middle Ages?
a) type information
b) draw information
c) write information
d) edit the book

Prior to the Printing Press, Germans were illiterate. What does illiterate mean?
a) unable to use woodblock letters
b) unable to be a scribe
c) unable to see rats
d) unable to read

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