Unit 7 Quiz 1 Question Preview (ID: 47136)

East Asia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following did not help a country remain isolated?
a) Mountains
b) Oceans
c) Deserts
d) Rivers

Which of the following countries was led by Mao Zedong?
a) China
b) Taiwan
c) Japan
d) Korea

Which of the following countries did the US help focus on economic growth?
a) China
b) Japan
c) Korea
d) Taiwan

Which of the following countries was founded by people fleeing communism
a) China
b) Japan
c) Taiwan
d) Korea

Which country was split into 2 - communist and non-communist
a) China
b) Japan
c) Taiwan
d) Korea

Confucianism emphasizes
a) Size of family and economic growth
b) loyalty and duty to family
c) laughter and good times
d) reincarnation and nirvana

A government that infringes on civil liberties,is controlled by an individual and tends toward a command economy is most likely
a) an autocracy
b) a democracy
c) a republic
d) an anarchy

A government that upholds on civil liberties, is controlled by the people and tends toward a mixed market economy is most likely
a) an autocracy
b) a democracy
c) a socialist state
d) an anarchy

Which of the following countries are not interested in claiming land in the South China Sea
a) Japan
b) China
c) South Korea
d) Mongolia

Tariffs and trade barriers slow
a) economic growth
b) inflation
c) job loss
d) greenhouse gasses

Who is the biggest nuclear concern in the region
a) China
b) North Korea
c) South Korea
d) Japan

What major project has China completed to reduce the production of greenhouse gasses
a) a nuclear reactor
b) the three gorges dam
c) wind tunnels
d) turbine fields

Daoism encourages
a) harmony with nature
b) war and killing
c) loyalty and duty to family
d) long life and prosperity

China does not have which of the following
a) archipelago
b) coastal plains
c) deserts
d) mountains

Japan does not have which of the following
a) archipelago
b) coastal plains
c) desert
d) mountains

Korea has
a) coastal plains and mountains
b) costal plains and deserts
c) deserts and mountains
d) mountains and archipelago

Mongolia has which of the following
a) archipelago and mountains
b) mountains and deserts
c) deserts and coastal plains
d) coastal plains and mountains

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