Gen Sci Ch 28 Question Preview (ID: 47135)

Human Body. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which part of the brain is responsible for reasoning, controlling voluntary movements, collecting info from senses, and understanding language?
a) brainstem
b) cerebellum
c) cerebrum
d) hypothalamus

Which part of the brain controls balance, posture, coordination, and fine movements?
a) brainstem
b) cerebellum
c) cerebrum
d) hypothalamus

Your central nervous system is composed of
a) the brain and spinal cord
b) all other nerves in your body
c) just the nerves in your hands and feet
d) your blood vessels, heart, and lungs

Neurons that carry information from the senses to the central nervous system are called
a) motor neurons
b) messenger neurons
c) interneurons
d) sensory neurons

What kind of motor neurons control voluntary actions
a) somatic nervous system
b) autonomic nervous system
c) sympathetic nervous system
d) parasympathetic nervous system

Some neurons have a(n) ___ wrapped around their axons to allow action potentials to move faster down the axon.
a) nucleus
b) myelin sheath
c) amnion
d) dendrite

Which is true about electrical synapses
a) channels connect the neuron to a target cell
b) they are very fast
c) they release neurotransmitters
d) both channels and fast

Proteins made by the brain in times of stress or pain are called
a) hormones
b) neurons
c) endorphins
d) sperm

The __ funnels sound waves into your ear.
a) pinna
b) organ of Corti
c) eardrum
d) cochlea

Pressure, temperature, and pain sensors are all involved in your sense of
a) sight
b) hearing
c) touch
d) smell

Which other sense tells you about body rotation, movement, and which way is up?
a) proprioreceptors
b) vestibular senses
c) conception
d) this end up sense

Which kind of hormones cross the cell membrane and bind to receptors inside target cells?
a) protein hormones
b) steroid hormones
c) neurotransmitter hormones
d) vestigial organs

Once an egg is fertilized, where does it go?
a) the oviduct
b) the uterus
c) the ovaries
d) the testes

Which is NOT true about muscles?
a) muscles can push and pull
b) muscles move when myosin heads attach to actin filament and pull
c) muscles often work in pairs
d) all of the above

Light first enters our eyes through a tough, transparent layer called the
a) cornea
b) iris
c) lens
d) retina

A signal from a neuron, occurring when the neuron's membrane potential becomes positive
a) action potential
b) chemoreception
c) fertilization
d) ovulation

The release of a mature egg cell that occurs once during each menstrual cycle
a) fertilization
b) chemoreception
c) ovulation
d) synapse

A cell that transmits electric signals from one part of the body to another
a) action potential
b) neuron
c) organ
d) tissue

a group of similar cells that performs a certain function
a) tissue
b) organ
c) organ system
d) ovule

A connection between a neuron and a target cell
a) synapse
b) fertilization
c) neuron
d) dendrite

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