Photosynthesis Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 47133)

Photosynthesis Vocab Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A protein complex involved in the light reactions. There are two photosystems involved in photosynthesis: photosystem II and photosystem I. The photosystems are primarily involved in the absorption of light and are composed of light harvesting comple
a) Photosystem
b) ETC
c) Proton Gradient
d) Calvin Cycle

A series of molecules that pass high-energy electrons from molecule to molecule and capture their energy.
a) Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
b) Proton Gradient
c) Photosystem
d) Calvin Cycle

A separation of charge in the form of a high concentration of H+ ions on one side of a membrane.
a) Proton Gradient
b) Calvin Cycle
c) Light Reactions
d) ETC

An enzyme that reduce NADP+ to NADPH.
a) NADP+ reductase
b) Calvin Cycle
c) ETC
d) Photosystem

An enzyme and a channel protein that produces ATP by adding a phosphate group (Pi) to ADP.
a) ATP Synthase
c) Chemosynthesis
d) Photosystem

The Calvin cycle uses the NADPH and the ATP from the light reactions to synthesize sugars from molecules of CO2.
a) Calvin Cycle
b) Proton Gradient
c) Photosystem
d) ETC

Another way autotrophs make food. In this case, the autotrophic organisms use chemical energy instead of light energy. Chemoautotrophs typically harness the energy from the oxidation of inorganic molecules, such as hydrogen sulfide, to produce organi
a) Chemosynthesis
b) Calvin Cycle
c) Photosynthesis
d) Energy

Formula for photosynthesis
a) 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Light Energy -- C6H12O6 + 6 CO2
b) C6H12O6 + 6 O2 --- 6 H2O + 6 CO2
c) H + O -- H2O
d) C6H12O6 + CO2 + H2O -- light

composed of two main processes: the light reactions and the Calvin cycle
a) Photosynthesis
b) Autotroph
c) ATP
d) Chemosynthesis

Chemical formula for glucose a type of sugar used to store energy
a) C6H12O6
b) H2O
c) C16H222O33
d) CO2

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