Semester 2 Review Question Preview (ID: 47130)

Lewis Clark-Civil War. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Indian Removal Act
a) Sent Native Americans to Reservations west of the Mississippi
b) Sent Native Americans to Concentration Camps
c) Sent Native Americans further west out of U.S. claimed land
d) Moved them away from homesteads

Why did Andrew Jackson feel like he needed to implement the Indian Removal Act?
a) Native Americans did not belong in their country
b) Native Americans homes burnt down so he moved them to a place they could live
c) there was not enough space for settlers
d) Native Americans started a War with the White Folk

All are major inventions that helped westward expansion except?
a) Stage coach
b) railroad
c) telegraph
d) cotton gin

All events happened during westward expansion except?
a) gold rush
b) Compromise of 1820/1850
c) Louisiana Purchase
d) trail of tears

All are part of manifest destiny except?
a) Religion
b) railroad
c) telegraph
d) hunting

Compromise of 1820
a) 36'30 line came into affect
b) Missouri and Maine became a state
c) 36'30 line came into affect and Missouri and Maine became a state
d) Kansas was entered as a popular sovereignty state

Compromise of 1850
a) California became a state along with the Fugitive Slave Act
b) Kansas and Nebraska became states
c) All unorganized territories became part of Popular Sovereignty
d) Missouri and Maine became a state

Kansas-Nebraska Act
a) not allow settlers to move into certain areas
b) not allow slavery in certain spots
c) opened all the territories to Popular Sovereignty
d) opened slavery up to the entire west

Fugitive Slave Act
a) Made everyone required to return runaway slaves
b) required only the south to return run away slaves
c) required only the north to return run away slaves
d) all African-Americans had to be returned

Once Abraham Lincoln got elected what would be the first thing to happen to the union
a) The north would stop slavery
b) the south will secede the north
c) the south will start a war
d) the north will start a war

Which group fought because they had grown increasingly against the injustice of slavery
a) Northerners
b) Women
c) Free African Americans
d) Southerners

Which group fought because they wanted to keep their old way of life intact
a) Northerners
b) Women
c) Free African Americans
d) Southerners

Anaconda Plan
a) The South was going to squeeze the North from supplies
b) The North was going to attach the South and squeeze like a snake to stop supply lines.
c) The West was entering the war and this was their plan of attack
d) The South was going to attack the north like a snake

Who had the greatest advantage when war broke out
a) North
b) South
c) Slaves
d) Women

a) Union Soldier
b) Confederate Soldier
c) African Americans
d) Women

a) African American
b) Northern Soldier
c) Southern Soldier
d) Women

South broke away at first because why
a) They hated Abraham Lincoln
b) Thought it was time to start their own country
c) Thought their state rights were being violated
d) Thought they needed a stronger Federal Government

All of the following were part of an expedition out west except
a) Meriwether Lewis
b) William Clark
c) John Brown
d) Thomas Jefferson

All were major causes of the Civil War except
a) Bleeding Kansas
b) Gold Rush
c) Dred Scott Case
d) Raid on Harper's Ferry

Who was the only President of the short live Confederacy
a) Robert E Lee
b) Ulysses S Grant
c) Jefferson Davis
d) Thomas Jefferson

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