Latin American Geo Question Preview (ID: 47127)

Geo On Mexico, Central And South America. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This country is home to the Yucatan Peninsula
a) Mexico
b) Brazil
c) Chile
d) Panama

An important man made water way that was built in the 1900s
a) Panama Canal
b) Andes Mountains
c) Yucatan Peninsula
d) Amazon Rain Forest

Mountains that run through West Coast of South America
a) Andes Mts.
b) Alps
c) Sierra Madre
d) Aztecan Mts

The southern tip of South America includes this country
a) Chile
b) Panama
c) Cuba
d) Bolivia

Largest Country ( area ) in South America
a) Argentina
b) Chile
c) Brazil
d) Colombia

Country that connects Central America to South America
a) Guatemala
b) Panama
c) Mexico
d) Colombia

Mountain Range found in Mexico
a) Sierra Madre
b) Alps
c) Andes Mts.
d) Rocky Mts.

Longest River in South America
a) Nile River
b) Rio Grande
c) Mississippi River
d) Amazon River

Country that IS located in South America
a) Argentina
b) Guatemala
c) Honduras
d) Costa Rica

Country that is part of Central America
a) Peru
b) Bolivia
c) Venezulua
d) Guatemala

The Amazon Rain Forest gives the earth 20% of its
a) nitogen
b) oxygen
c) gasoline
d) oil

Island Nation that is a Territory of the U.S.
a) Mexico
b) Cuba
c) Puerto Rico
d) Panama

Desert found in Northern Chile
a) Atacama
b) Andes
c) Sierra Madre
d) Brazilian Basin

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