New And Improved Revolutions Question Preview (ID: 47122)

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Which battle led to the exile of Napoleon as emperor of France?
a) Moscow
b) Waterloo
c) St. Peters burg
d) Paris

What was an invention that increased the production of textiles in England?
a) Coal Extractor
b) Steam Balloon
c) Morse Code
d) Spinning Jenny

How did people react to many new ideas of philosophs and enlightened thinkers?
a) They were often at odds with them, especially the Church
b) They were honored for their achievements
c) There were no enlightened thinkers
d) They helped make them rich

Who was a 17th century thinker that believed that you should challenge a government that is not treating you fairly?
a) Eli Whitney
b) John Locke
c) James Hargreaves
d) Napoleon

______________________ was the main objection of Americans to British taxes.
a) They were too high
b) No taxation without representation
c) They did not believe in taxes
d) They did not believe the British should rule them

Which of the following is a revolution that was a model for all of the world to follow?
a) Cuban Revolution
b) Russian Revolution
c) French Revolution
d) American Revolution

Which of the following was a revolution that changed the economies of Europe and the United States?
a) Industrial Revolution
b) Scientific Revolution
c) French Revolution
d) American Revolution

Who created the fire engine which pumped water at a rate three times faster than previously?
a) James Hargreaves
b) James Watt
c) Richard ?Trevino
d) Samuel Morse

The ____________ system was a system of faster machinery and production under one roof.
a) Factory System
b) Industrial System
c) Revolution System
d) Machine System

Which group of people had to pay the greatest share of taxes in France in the late 1700's?
a) 1st Estate
b) 2nd Estate
c) 3rd Estate
d) 4th Estate

What was the Reign of Terror?
a) The march of Napoleon upon Russia
b) The name for the period of revenge enacted by the Jacobins
c) The attack on the armory that began the French Revolution
d) The British invasion of Boston Harbor

Which of the following was a downside to industrialization?
a) Poor working conditions
b) Less products in the market
c) Higher Wages
d) Less unemployment

Which enlightened thinker contributed to our knowledge of gravity and how it behaves?
a) William Harvey
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo
d) Benjamin Franklin

In what country did the Industrial Revolution first take hold?
a) England
b) United States
c) France
d) China

Which of the following was a factor in both the American and French Revolutions?
a) Napoleon was involved
b) The price of tea
c) Lack of education from the government
d) Debt

Which scientist was responsible for building a microscope that was 270 times more powerful than previous microscopes?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Galileo
c) William Harvey
d) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

What did they call people who led the way in new thinking during the Age of Reason?
a) Philosophs
b) Rationalists
c) Democrats
d) Dictators

__________________ is when the government follows the will of the people.
a) Dictatorship
b) Monarchy
c) Oligarchy
d) Popular Sovereignty

The Age of Reason is another name for _________________.
a) The Enlightenment
b) The Industrial Revolution
c) Political Revolutions
d) Philosophy

What is the production of cloth called?
a) Fabric
b) Threaddage
c) Cottonization
d) Textiles

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