Moon Phases Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 47119)

Moon Phases Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon and the shadow of the Earth falls on the moon.
a) lunar eclipse
b) solar eclipse
c) full moon
d) new moon

an event in which the shadow of one celestial body falls on another.
a) umbra
b) penumbra
c) eclipse
d) waning

are the result of the moon and sun working against each other's pull.
a) lunar eclipse
b) solar eclipse
c) spring tides
d) neap tides

when the moon comes between the Earth and the sun and the shadow of the moon falls on part of the Earth.
a) waning
b) solar eclipse
c) lunar eclipse
d) waxing

the period during which the visible surface of the moon increases.
a) waxing
b) waning
c) umbra
d) penumbra

the period during which the visible surface of the moon decreases.
a) waxing
b) waning
c) umbra
d) penumbra

the difference in levels of ocean water at high tide and low tide.
a) comet
b) neap tides
c) spring tides
d) tidal range

are the results of the moon and sun working together to exert more pull on the earth's oceans.
a) penumbra
b) tidal range
c) spring tides
d) neap tides

the lighter portion of the shadow.
a) penumbra
b) umbra
c) atmosphere
d) tidal range

the darkest portion of the shadow.
a) atmosphere
b) tidal range
c) penumbra
d) umbra

a small body of ice, rock and cosmic dust that follows an elliptical orbit around the sun.
a) umbra
b) asteroid
c) meteoroid
d) comet

a layer of air, made up of many layers and gases that surround the Earth's surface keeping humans safe from the sun's radiation.
a) atmosphere
b) comet
c) asteriod
d) meteoroid

little chunks of rock and debris in space.
a) atmosphere
b) comet
c) meteoroid
d) asteroid

a small rocky object that orbits the sun, usually in the band between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
a) comet
b) atmosphere
c) meteoroid
d) asteroid

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