Vocabulary 11 And 12 Review (part 2) Question Preview (ID: 47117)

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What does virulent mean?
a) harmful
b) distant, hidden away
c) worrisome
d) everywhere at once

What does advocate mean?
a) echoing, resounding
b) getting money by threats
c) to support, to be in favor of
d) disease

What does astute mean?
a) a false appearance
b) keen, shrewd, clever, smart
c) to spit out, to vomit
d) friendly

What does entourage mean?
a) followers, a group
b) to give way, to give in
c) advance warning
d) not effective

What does loath mean?
a) a period of rest or relief
b) friendly
c) prejudiced person
d) unwilling, reluctant

What does facade mean?
a) to see earnestly, to beg, to ask for
b) villainous
c) a false appearance
d) unfavorable

What does scrutinize mean?
a) to spit out, to vomit
b) to examine closely
c) likely to cause death
d) agonizing

What does spew mean?
a) unwilling, reluctant
b) a false appearance
c) to hinder, to foil, to mess up
d) to vomit, to spit out

What does malignant mean?
a) likely to cause death
b) worrisome
c) disagreeably loud, very obvious
d) to give way, to give in

What does remote mean?
a) poison
b) distant, hidden away
c) a period of rest or relief
d) followers, a group

What does asset mean?
a) not effective
b) a false appearance
c) something of value
d) advance warning

What does extortion mean?
a) harmful
b) keen, shrewd, wise, clever
c) worrisome
d) getting money by threats

What does excruciating mean?
a) friendly
b) agonizing
c) echoing, resounding,
d) to support, to be in favor of

What does respite mean?
a) organizer
b) unwilling, reluctant
c) a period of rest and relief
d) everywhere at once

What does ubiquitous mean?
a) to see earnestly, to beg, to ask
b) disease
c) worrisome
d) ever-present, everywhere at once

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