End Of Year Review Question Preview (ID: 47115)

End Of Year Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In a parliamentary democracy, which branch of government is the most powerful?
a) Executive
b) Legislative
c) Judicial
d) They all have equal power

Why do businesses in different countries specialize?
a) So they can sell a wide variety of goods
b) So that they can produce goods at a slower pace
c) So that workers will not become experts at their jobs
d) To produce goods quicker and cheaper

How do entrepreneurs increase a countries GDP?
a) By helping citizens learn how to read and write
b) By producing goods and services, which create jobs
c) By writing laws that protect private businesses
d) By decreasing the goods and services that a country produces

When a timber company purchases brand new chainsaws, this is an example of________
a) investing in capitol goods (resources)
b) investing in human resources
c) investing in natural resources
d) None of these are correct

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism have what in common?
a) There is no life after death
b) Abraham is a prophet of God
c) They all celebrate Christmas
d) They all celebrate Easter

Which of the following is NOT one of the most commonly practiced religions in Europe today?
a) Christianity
b) Judaism
c) Hindu
d) Islam

When literacy rates are high in a country then usually ___________________
a) life expectancies are low
b) fewer people own homes
c) standard of living is high
d) education is not accessible

The total value of all goods and services in one country in one year is ____________
a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
b) Literacy Rate
c) Standard of Living
d) Exchange Rate

Which government has the highest amount of citizen participation?
a) Oligarchy
b) Democracy
c) Autocracy
d) Monarchy

availability of housing, education, health care, transportation, etc. are all measurements of a countries ________________
a) literacy rate
b) GDP
c) GDP Per Capita
d) Standard of Living

why does international trade require a system for exchanging currencies between nations?
a) it doesn't , all currencies have the same value
b) each countries currencies have different values and they are always changing
c) currency value never changes
d) some countries have no currency at all

in Russia the highest population density is found in Western Russia where it is warmer because of the ______________
a) Warm air comes from the Ural Mountains
b) location to the equator
c) There are volcanoes here
d) Gulf Stream

Leader is elected by the legislature.
a) Presidential Democracy
b) Parliamentary Democracy
c) Parlimentary Monarchy
d) Presidential Dictatorship

In Mexico and Venezuela most of the citizens live in ____________
a) urban areas
b) the high mountains
c) the rain forests
d) the dry deserts

When a country bans ALL trade with another country, this is knows as.
a) Quota
b) Tariff
c) Embargo
d) Free trade ban

Russia is a presidential democracy
b) not the answer
c) not the answer
d) not the answer

Which type of government would have the least amount of citizen participation?
a) Autocracy
b) Oligarchy
c) Democracy
d) Capitalism

why would a country put a trade barrier in place?
a) to make foreign goods cheaper
b) to make foreign goods more expensive
c) to make domestic goods more expensive
d) countries never use trade barriers

Which pairing of sacred text matches the correct religion?
a) Judaism -- Torah
b) Judaism -- Koran
c) Islam -- Bible
d) Christianity -- Koran

which of the following would be an example of a capital good
a) Wood
b) Oil
c) Chainsaw
d) a lawyer

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