Exam Review Question Preview (ID: 47110)

This Is A Review For The Final Semester Exam For LEA130 This May Not Be Printed Up And Used As Notes For The Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

William Joseph Chaminade was born in 1761 in what town.
a) Bordeaux
b) Perigeux
c) Mussidan
d) Sarragossa

In what Month did Fr Chaminade die?
a) January
b) February
c) Winter
d) April

One of the biggest organizational problems that the Marianist encountered was
a) Fr Chaminade’s plan to “put no one in charge”
b) To celebrate at wedding receptions
c) To listen to what the Vatican said
d) To wear cassocks while marching in the streets

In the 1960's the population of CCP exceeded...
a) 400 students
b) 500 students
c) 600 students
d) 700 students

Two reasons for academic success in the 1960 were
a) the chess and radio club
b) stricter acceptance requirements and the elimination of non-essential courses
c) students scored far above national averages in scholastic achievements and anti-bullying programs
d) vocations on the increase as well as the 7-11 store at Olive and I-270

Name the building whose groundbreaking in 1968 included a gym, pool, locker room, and commons
a) athletictron
b) megatron
c) juergens hall
d) the skip

In 1967 which club was formed for those interested in exploring the wonders of nature.
a) The cardinal circle
b) The chess club
c) The divisional sodalities
d) The Grotto club

The 1970’s became known as the __________________ for Chaminade athletics
a) Lucky Losers Time
b) “Championship Decade”
c) Esto Vir Vantage Point
d) Dunk-A-Thon-Time

Chaminade participated in the __________________________ which allowed students to graduate earlier and experience some college before being called up to serve in the armed forces
a) Accelerated Scholastic Program
b) V12
c) Pro-Graff System
d) Duracell Dynamite

In 1955, Father __________________became the twelfth president of Chaminade
a) Ralph Siefert
b) Alexander Browning
c) Louis Blume
d) Mike Francis

Mounted on the front exterior wall of the IC chapel is a carrara marble statue of ________________
a) La Pickyface
b) La Purissima
c) El Conquistador
d) Donde Esta La Bano

The 1954 and 1955 baseball teams captured the Catholic League pennant and the 1959-1960 school year produced the first ___________ in Chaminade history
a) rowing team
b) chess team
c) debate team
d) golf team

Which house was named after a priest who was the first Marianist in the U.S.; arrived from Switzerland in 1849; settled in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, where he founded St. Mary’s Institute (which later became the University of Dayton?)
a) Meyer
b) Mauclerc
c) Gray
d) O’Donnell

Which house was named after a priest who was the first Marianist to be ordained (in 1852) in the U.S.; originally from France?
a) Meyer
b) Mauclerc
c) Gray
d) O’Donnell

Which house was named after a working brother who served 43 years at CCP; he died in 1973 at the age of 90?
a) Meyer
b) Mauclerc
c) O’Donnell
d) Lamourous

This item on our school crest serves as our school motto (Be a Man), reminds us that the purpose of a Marianist education is to identify/develop the full range of gifts/talents that God has placed in each person.
a) Esto Vir
b) The star
c) The stem of the “M” (the cross)
d) The “lines” in the background

This item on our school crest indicates our faith which is the foundation of what we do.
a) Esto Vir
b) The star
c) The superimposed “M”
d) The anchor

This item on our school crest represents the coming of Jesus, through Mary, to earth.
a) Esto Vir
b) The star
c) The stem of the “M” (the cross)
d) The “lines” in the background

This item on our school crest represents the light, truth and faith in the Good News of Jesus.
a) Esto Vir
b) The star
c) The “lines” in the background
d) The superimposed “M”

Which of the following DOES NOT appear on more than one house crest?
a) book
b) dates/years
c) Marianist symbol
d) picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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