EHMS Trivia! Question Preview (ID: 47109)

EHMS Trivia! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is Mrs. Davenport's greatest achievement?
a) She once sent 1,000 text messages during one class period.
b) She gave birth.
c) She got married.
d) She finished her Specialist degree.

When Mr. Poole first began teaching at EHMS...
a) Ms. Miller and Ms. Bond were still wearing diapers.
b) he was proud to be a Viking
c) he was almost finished with his Master's degree
d) he had just gotten married to his high school sweetheart

The back room of the Learning Commons is used...
a) as server space to hold all of Mrs. Parker's e-mails
b) to house archaic technology
c) as storage space for old equipment
d) as a Lost and Found

For the upcoming school year, Mrs. Shiver suggested having the theme of...
a) Do not spray cologne in the hallway!
b) Every child, every day
c) You can count on me
d) Character, Competency, and Rigor for ALL

When was the last time that Coach Saunders cried?
a) when Justin Bieber pointed at him during a concert
b) his first child was born
c) his second child was born
d) he got married

Coach Salyers once had a heated argument in the cafeteria because...
a) the lunchroom ladies would not accept his Double D Burger credit card
b) they ran out of hot dogs
c) the air conditioner was broken
d) his lunchroom table was moved

What will occur for five hours on Wednesday, 5/22?
a) The 7th Annual Connections Field Day Ice Cream Social
b) incredible Field Day competition
c) exciting athletic events
d) the thrill of victory

When the U.S. Civil War ended...
a) Mrs. Mote got a holiday from school
b) Americans were glad the war was over
c) Reconstruction began in the South
d) most of the soldiers returned to their loved ones

What does Coach Fowler do each afternoon at 1:00 p.m.?
a) He updates his 'Twilight' FanFiction web page.
b) He makes lesson plans for the following day.
c) He gets in a great workout.
d) He supervises the cafeteria.

Coach Peake was late to his Senior prom because...
a) his tractor broke down on his way to his date's house
b) he had many chores to complete
c) he was watching the end of an Auburn baseball game
d) he was planting seeds in his garden

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