Unit 4 Question Preview (ID: 47108)

Classification Of Matter And Element And Their Properties. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The odor of a substance is a ____________ property
a) Chemical
b) Physical
c) Compound
d) Mixture

The color of ink is a
a) Chemical Property
b) Physical Property
c) Chemical Change
d) Physical Change

A(n) ___________ is NOT a homogeneous
a) Suspension
b) Element
c) Compound
d) Solution

The scattering of light by colloids is called ______________.
a) Suspension
b) Air pollution
c) Conservation
d) The Tyndall effect

Smoke is an example of a _______________
a) Substance
b) Solution
c) Colloid
d) Suspension

When two more more substances are combined so that each substance maintains its own properties, the result is a(n) _________________.
a) Chemical change
b) element
c) Compound
d) Mixture

____________ is another name for a homogeneous mixture.
a) Suspension
b) Substance
c) Solution
d) Liquid

All substances are built from _________.
a) Compounds
b) Oxygen
c) Metals
d) Atoms

About __________ elements are found on Earth.
a) 9
b) 90
c) 900
d) 9000

A(n) _______________ is a mixture that settles upon standing.
a) Solution
b) Colloid
c) Suspension
d) Element

At room temperature, most metals are ______________.
a) Liquids
b) Solids
c) Radioactive
d) Gases

Metals can be used as wire because they are
a) ductile
b) malleable
c) shiny
d) alloys

The elements in groups 3 through 12 of the periodic table are the ______________
a) Actinides
b) Lanthanides
c) Transition Elements
d) Noble Gases

A group of elements that has two electron in its outer energy level is the _________.
a) Alkaline Earth Metals
b) Alkali Metals
c) Halogens
d) Actinides

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