Ecce Romani Ch 12 Ablatives Question Preview (ID: 47107)

Ablative Case. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) Ablative of manner
b) Ablative of means or instrument
c) Ablative of time when
d) Ablative of place which

a) Ablative of place from which
b) Ablative of time when
c) Ablative of Place where
d) Ablative of accompaniment

a) Ablative of manner
b) Ablative of time when
c) Ablative of means/instrument
d) Ablative of accompaniment

tribus diebus
a) Ablative of place from which
b) Ablative of means or instrument
c) Ablative of Place where
d) Ablative of time when

brevi tempore
a) Ablative of time when
b) Ablative of means or instrument
c) Ablative of Place where
d) Ablative of accompaniment

sub arbore
a) Ablative of place where
b) Ablative of means or instrument
c) Ablative of means/instrument
d) Ablative of accompaniment

a) Ablative of manner
b) Ablative of means or instrument
c) Ablative of time when
d) Ablative of place from which

magnā voce
a) Ablative of manner
b) Ablative of means or instrument
c) Ablative of Place where
d) Ablative of accompaniment

cum matre
a) Ablative of accompaniment
b) Ablative of means or instrument
c) Ablative of Place where
d) Ablative of time when

ex arbore
a) Ablative of manner
b) Ablative of means or instrument
c) Ablative of Place from which
d) Ablative of accompaniment

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