Unit 9 Review Pt. 2 Question Preview (ID: 47106)

Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

___________ sparked the War of Terror that has defined part of the 21st Century.
a) The September 11th Terrorist Attacks
b) The Gulf War
c) The War in Iraq
d) The Pearl Harbor Attack

The Irish Potato Famine is an example of-
a) A push factor
b) A pull factor
c) A plow factor
d) A part factor

The growth of factory jobs in the US in the late 1800s is an example of-
a) A pull factor
b) A push factor
c) A plow factor
d) A part factor

Which of these cities is farthest north?
a) San Francisco
b) Los Angeles
c) Houston
d) New Orleans

What is the capital of the United States?
a) Washington D.C.
b) New York City
c) Boston
d) Philadelphia

What is the president's ability to veto a law an example of?
a) Checks and Balances
b) Federalism
c) Republicanism
d) Separation of Powers

The president being the head of the military is an example of-
a) Separation of Powers
b) Checks and Balances
c) Federalism
d) Republicanism

What are the Bill of Rights an example of?
a) Individual Rights
b) Popular Sovereignty
c) Checks and Balances
d) Federalism

The STAAR test is only in Texas. What principle of government is this related to?
a) Federalism
b) Republicanism
c) Checks and Balances
d) Limited Government

Electing a representative is an example of-
a) Republicanism
b) Limited Government
c) Checks and Balances
d) Freedom of Religion

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