Unit 9 Review Pt. 1 Question Preview (ID: 47104)

Part 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The term ________ refers to a cluster of huge lakes located in the American Midwest and central Canada.
a) Great Lakes
b) Mississippi River
c) Gulf of Mexico
d) Lewisville Lake

The oldest and longest chain of mountains in the United States east of the Mississippi River is the _____.
a) Appalachian Mountains
b) Rocky Mountains
c) Great Smoky Mountains
d) Blue Ridge Mountains

People who are sent to live in a new place and claim land for their home country are called _____.
a) colonists
b) explorers
c) navigators
d) immigrants

Which European government controlled the American colonies in New England?
a) British
b) Spanish
c) French
d) Italian

Which term refers to basic rights that belong to all citizens?
a) civil rights
b) prohibition
c) segregation
d) pursuit of happiness

Canada is divided into 10 provinces, which are similar to _____.
a) states
b) cities
c) regions
d) counties

What is the capital of Canada?
a) Ottawa
b) Toronto
c) Montreal
d) Vermont

What group made up the first wave of immigration to the United States?
a) Western Europeans
b) Eastern Europeans
c) Asians
d) Latin Americans

Which of these is a problem the United States faced in the 21st century?
a) Terrorism
b) Shift from rural to urban lifestyle
c) Influx of refugees
d) Extreme Hurricanes

The Mississippi River forms the border between Mississippi and ________.
a) Louisiana
b) Missouri
c) Texas
d) Alabama

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