Reading STAAR Review Question Preview (ID: 47103)

7th Grade STAAR Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The main character in the story
a) protagonist
b) antagonist

Tells a made up story
a) nonfiction
b) fiction

Qualities that define characters
a) motivation
b) setting
c) theme
d) traits

When and where the story takes place
a) setting
b) them
c) conflict
d) plot

The character in conflict with the main character
a) protagonist
b) antagonist

When two characters have a conflict with each other
a) character vs. self
b) character vs. character
c) character vs. nature
d) character vs. society

When a character is in conflict with the community
a) character vs. society
b) character vs. self
c) character vs. character
d) character vs. nature

The problem of the story
a) character
b) solution
c) conflict
d) setting

When a character is in conflict with themselves and they need to make a decision
a) character vs. character
b) character vs. nature
c) character vs. society
d) character vs. self

The events of a story
a) conflict
b) theme
c) setting
d) plot

Events that increase tension about the conflict
a) rising action
b) climax
c) falling action
d) resolution

Words that mean the opposite
a) synonyms
b) antonyms
c) prefix
d) suffix

When a character is in conflict with weather, animals, or disease
a) character vs. nature
b) character vs. society
c) character vs. character
d) character vs. self

Passages that tell about real-life people, places, things, ideas, or events
a) nonfiction
b) fiction

Words that have the same meaning
a) antonym
b) synonym
c) prefix
d) suffix

can be proven by asking experts, looking up information in a book, etc.
a) opinion
b) fact
c) commonplace assertion

Events that follow the climax and reduce tension
a) exposition
b) rising action
c) falling action
d) resolution

A statement that many people assume to be true, but it is an opinion
a) fact
b) opinion
c) commonplace assertion

An educated guess based on the information in a passage and your prior knowledge
a) tone
b) mood
c) inference
d) theme

a personal belief or judgement that cannot be proven
a) opinion
b) commonplace assertion
c) fact

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