Structure And Function Question Preview (ID: 47029)

What Are Animal Adaptations Used For? TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

9. Plants have three basic structures, roots, stems, and leaves. The plant use the stems for . . .
a) A. soaking up water
b) B. Soaking up sunlight
c) C. holding up the plant
d) D. all of the above

8. Herbivore only eat plants to gain energy. A herbivores teeth are most likely. . .
a) A. sharp and pointy
b) B. flat and dull
c) C. used to help climb trees
d) D. used to hide from animals

7. Polar bears have a thick layer of blubber under their white fur to help keep them warm. The function of the white fur is to help the polar bear. . .
a) A. camouflage with the snow
b) B. rip and tear open food
c) C. swim in water
d) D. none of the above

5. A giraffe has a long neck and long tongue. The long neck is primarily used for . . .
a) A. drinking water in ponds and lakes
b) B. attracting the attention of a mate
c) C. reaching leaves at the top of trees
d) D. none of the above

6. Eagles have sharp talons. What are the long sharp talons used for?
a) A. swimming in a pond
b) B. drinking nectar from flowers
c) C. Grabbing fish from the water
d) D. all of the above

4. Kangaroos and spider monkeys both have tails. The kangaroo uses the tail for hoping and spider monkeys use their tails to move through the trees. Both of these animals use their tails primarily for . . .
a) A. grabbing and holding their food
b) B. supporting and balancing their body
c) C. attracting the attention of other animals
d) D. carrying their young

3. Why are cactus better adapted to survive in the desert? Their needle like leaves. . .
a) A. allow more sunlight to reach the soil
b) B. prevent the plant from producing flowers
c) C. release of carbon dioxide from the stems
d) D. reduce the amount of water lost through evaporation

2. Some animals, such as lions, have sharp teeth, while other animals, such as cattle have flat teeth. The difference in the shape of these animals' teeth is most closely related to . . .
a) A. the habitat the animals live in
b) B. the sound the animals make
c) C. the type of predators the animals have
d) D. the type of organisms the animal consume

1. A cockroach has antennas. How does this structure benefit the organism?
a) A. they help the organisms detect their surroundings
b) B. they help the organisms eat food quickly
c) C. they help the organisms fight predators
d) D. none of the above

10. An octopus can change the color and texture of its skin within seconds. Why does the octopus do this?
a) A. to hunt for food
b) B. to hind from predators
c) C. to blend in with surroundings
d) D. All of the above

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