World War 2 Question Preview (ID: 47019)

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The Nazi plan to murder the entire Jewish population of Europe and the Soviet Union resulted in
a) the Anschluss
b) the Nuremburg Laws
c) the Holocaust
d) Treblinka

At the beginning of World War I and World War II, the initial policy of the United States was to
a) create naval blockades
b) provide military assistance
c) remain neutral
d) end ties with the warring countries

The first atomic bomb ever dropped in warfare was dropped on the city of
a) Munich
b) Nagasaki
c) Tokyo
d) Hiroshima

The Lend-Lease Act was an attempt by the United States to
a) stay out of World War 1
b) supply iron and oil to Japan
c) divide land acquired from the Mexican War
d) let England borrow weapons in the early 1940s

The Allied assault on German-occupied France in June of 1944 is known as
a) D-day
b) VJ day
c) Operation Barbarossa
d) Operation Market Garden

The Manhattan Project was the code name for the
a) US plan to invade Japan
b) German use of jet aircraft
c) Allied plan to invade Europe
d) US plans to make an atomic bomb

What was the primary purpose of Operation Overlord?
a) to invade Western Europe and drive German forces from France
b) to drive the German troops from Russia
c) to free Italy from Mussolini’s control
d) to launch a force behind German lines and attack from the north

Which event would have first caused the United States to begin reversing it's Neutrality Acts in the early stages of World War II?
a) Germany's attack on London
b) Germany's invasion of Poland
c) Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor
d) Japan's invasion of China

Which statement is TRUE regarding American actions toward Japan in the months before Pearl Harbor?
a) All Japanese assets in the U.S. were frozen and an embargo was placed on oil and steel exports to Japan.
b) American diplomats were actively working with the Japanese government to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict in
c) Congress authorized a cash-and-carry policy for Great Britain and the Soviet Union, which Japan perceived as a direct threat
d) American naval forces bombarded Japanese positions throughout the Philippines

Why did President Truman choose to drop an atomic bomb on Japan instead of ordering a land invasion?
a) American forces were too depleted for a land invasion
b) Japan's geography would not allow a land invasion.
c) A land invasion would result in too many casualties.
d) It was not possible to adequately supply an invasion force.

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