Language Review 2 Question Preview (ID: 47013)

6th Grade Language - Spelling, Usage, And Punctuation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Grace cancelled __________ doctor's appointment because ____________ doesn't have time to go.
a) hers; she
b) her; she's
c) her; she

_____________ was a mysterious package on Brianna's front porch steps.
a) There
b) Three
c) They're

When Marcus babysits for his cousins, they always make a _____________ out of the couch cushions. Choose the correct spelling of the word that fits in the blank:
a) fourtress
b) fortress
c) foretress

Did you know that panda bears eat enormous amownts of bamboo? Which word is misspelled?
a) enormous
b) amownts
c) bamboo

During yesterday's game of hide-and-seek, Brandon ____________ under the table.
a) hides
b) hidden
c) hid

People who live in france often are able to speak both french and english. How many words need to be capitalized?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4

The expansion ____________ school will create room for a bigger library.
a) of the
b) in the
c) off the

In colonial times, people worked __________________________.
a) from dawn until sunset
b) than in modern times
c) you don't work that much

Kyle's birthday is on _____________________.
a) friday, March 12
b) Thursday april 4
c) Wednesday, June 7

Tylar will write an Essay about the Nile River. Which word should NOT be capitalized?
a) Tylar
b) Essay
c) River

Is it possable for lightning to strike in the same location twice? Which word is misspelled?
a) possable
b) lightning
c) location

Bella's reading a novel about a boy named Tom Sawyer. What does the contraction stand for?
a) Bella was
b) Bella is
c) Bella has

How many languages does Anne-Marie speak ( ) Choose the punctuation mark that best finishes the sentence:
a) !
b) .
c) ?

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