The Guinea Pig And Its Origins Question Preview (ID: 46978)

Learn All About The Guinea Pig And Identify It's Characteristics! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Guinea pig pups are 'precocial'. What does that mean?
a) It takes the pups just one week to begin walking.
b) The pups are born with very little mobile ability, and must be fed by the parents/caretakers.
c) The pups are born in an advanced state, able to walk in 2 hours or less.
d) The pups will always be born 1 hour apart within a litter.

Rules of guinea pig feeding! Pick the (one) correct answer.
a) While guinea pig feed can be substituted for hamster or rabbit feed in a pinch, it is best to stick to guinea pig feed.
b) Because any small rodent feed can be used, guinea pigs do not have their own type of feed.
c) While any small rodent feed can be used, studies have shown that guinea pigs do best on bird feed.
d) Never use rabbit feed.

in guinea pigs, where does 'malocclusion' occur?
a) the teeth
b) the eyes
c) the intestine
d) the nervous system

What does a guinea pig eat?
a) Vegetables only.
b) Vegetables and some dairy.
c) Meat only.
d) Vegetables and some meat.

the guinea pig sleeps at night and is active during the day, like humans. what is the term for this type of sleep cycle?
a) diurnal cycle
b) palliative cycle
c) regulatory cycle
d) filial cycle

guinea pigs can make many sounds, but the average estimated range is ___ different sounds.
a) 11
b) 5
c) 21
d) 15

what's a skill of the guinea pig?
a) they can curl into a ball and roll for heightened mobility.
b) they are very good at swimming.
c) similar to camels, the guinea pig can store water in its body for up to one week.
d) they can raise their fur to appear bigger in order to scare off predators.

why were guinea pigs domesticated?
a) Indonesian royalty bred them for entertainment in 'Cuy Fighting', which is now banned.
b) They were bred as insect hunters during the first Indonesian malaria outbreak.
c) They were domesticated as a food source for early central and western Andean civilizations.
d) They were bred by mushroom hunters to sniff out truffles with their superior noses.

The waterin' hole. What problems do guinea pigs have with water management?
a) Guinea pigs don't have trouble with water management.
b) They will frequently empty the bottle or stop up the opening.
c) They will occasionally use the water to bathe, which wastes it.
d) They will frequently drink too quickly and become sick.

A cavie litter size is usually ___ pups, and weaning takes ___.
a) 1 to 6, 4 to 5 weeks.
b) 3 to 4, 2 to 3 months.
c) 1 to 6, 14 to 21 days.
d) 3 to 4, 1 to 2 weeks.

what is the name denoting a WILD guinea pig?
a) Cavia porcellus
b) Cavia anolaimae
c) Cavia aperia
d) Cavia guianae

What is the name denoting a domesticated guinea pig?
a) Cavia guianae
b) Cavia porcellus
c) Cavia aperia
d) Cavia magna

A male guinea pig is called a ___, a female is called a ___, and their young is/are called ___.
a) jack, vixen, pup(s)
b) boar, sow, cygnet(s)
c) boar, sow, pup(s)
d) bull, jenny, pup(s)

Ben has had his guinea pig since he was 17, and now he's 20. If his cavie was a newborn pup when she was adopted, how long can Ben expect her to live?
a) She has already lived longer than the average life span!
b) Until he visits his home during his next break, making her 3 years old.
c) She mostly likely be alive until he's done with his schooling in 4 years, making her 7 years old.
d) Ben's guinea pig should be with him through his first 3 years of school, if she stays healthy. This makes her 5-6 years old.

What type of guinea pig has long hair?
a) American or English
b) Peruvian
c) Abyssinian
d) Teddy

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