80's To Present (2) Question Preview (ID: 46977)

Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

President GW Bush
a) Declared a war on Terrorism
b) Led a coalition to defeat Saddam
c) Was impeached
d) President when the World Trade Center was bombed

The internet
a) Increases connectivity
b) Decreases advertisment
c) Improves privacy
d) Makes information more reliable

Escalation in conflict generally
a) Causes spending to go up
b) Hurts the economy
c) Has no affect
d) IDK

Examples of Civic duty
a) serving on a jury
b) voting
c) participating in local government
d) All of the above

a) Free trade between US, Canada, and Mexico
b) Free trade across Europe
c) Trade embarges
d) High tariffs to help local industy

Elected POTUS in 2008
a) Obama
b) HW Bush
c) GW Bush
d) Reagon

Low point of Reagan Presidency
a) Iran-Contra Affair
b) Iran Hostage situation
c) Gulf of Tonkin
d) Pearl Harbor

Intent of the Patriot Act
a) prevents acts of terrorism against the United States
b) limits the amount of foreign investments in the United States
c) increases funding for military contracts
d) promotes the growth of locally owned small businesses

Military operation in Afghanistan were
a) Destroy the Taliban in retribution for 9/11
b) To capture Saddam
c) To capture Bin Ladin
d) To capture Hiro Hito

a) Manages world trade
b) World health organization
c) Controls world sports access
d) World internet system

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