80's To Present (1) Question Preview (ID: 46976)

US History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why did Katrina devastate New Orleans
a) Levees broke due to lack of maintenance
b) Large part of city below sea level
c) Surrounded by water (Gulf and Mississippi River)
d) All of the above

Family Leave Act
a) guarantees a persons job if taking off for major illness or new child
b) Helps family finances
c) Helps families relocate
d) Leaves families to the support of the government

Bill Gates
a) Computers
b) Internet
c) aerospace
d) electricity

Examples: CDs, Hip Hop, McDonald's, Coke Cola
a) US influence throughout the world
b) Major retailers in the US
c) Advances in technology
d) Signs of cultural advance

Sandra Day O'Conner
a) Supreme Court Justice
b) Senator
c) Representative
d) Presidential candidate

a) Tax cuts and incentives to keep jobs in the US
b) Tax cuts to hurt big government
c) Tax increases
d) New Deal-like programs

Bipartisan Politics
a) Parties are generally equally represented in Legislature and Executive therefore must compromise
b) Hard line party politics (no compromise)
c) Legislative and executive branch controlled by one party

Third party candidates
a) Generally take votes from one party
b) Help both parties
c) Hurt both parties
d) Generally no effect on elections

Result of the Persian Gulf War
a) Kuwait was liberated
b) No effect on the Middle East
c) Saddam was captured
d) Saddam was killed

Why was President Clinton impeached
a) Lying
b) Cheating
c) He wasn't impeached
d) IDK

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