Ancient China Practice Test - Economics And Social Structure Question Preview (ID: 46970)

Review Your Understanding Of Ancient China. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The magnetic compass led to which effect?
a) The dawn of the Age of Exploration and the seeking of alternative trade routes to Asia
b) The establishment of more extensive overland trade routes
c) The immediate end of all trade in Asia
d) The strengthening of Silk Road trade routes

What role did nomadic people play in the establishment of Silk Road trade?
a) Nomadic people stopped trade from occurring along the Silk Roads
b) Nomadic tribes played no significant role in the development of trade
c) Nomadic people became dependent on the Silk roads for their survival
d) Nomadic tribes established some of the earliest trade along what would become the Silk Roads

What prevented early connections between river valley civilizations?
a) Lack of technology
b) Physical geography and fear of the unknown
c) Overreliance on agriculture
d) Political restrictions on trade

What is the term for the spread of ethnic ideas and customs to other areas of the world?
a) cultural competence
b) cultural capital
c) cultural diffusion
d) cultural revolution

Which Greek leader led to the expansion of the Silk Road?
a) Julius Caesar
b) Pericles
c) Alexander the Great
d) Darius I

What religion made its way from India along Silk roads to China?
a) Buddhism
b) Islam
c) Hinduism
d) Christianity

One trade item the Chinese especially valued was _____.
a) Central Asian horses
b) Linen
c) Barley
d) Eastern Mediterranean goats

Which precious Chinese good was important in opening trade routes to the West?
a) Jade
b) Paper
c) Gold
d) Silk

China was part of a huge global trade network that connected Asia to _____.
a) Africa
b) Europe
c) Australia
d) North America

Which of the following was NOT a Chinese export?
a) Silk
b) Paper
c) Pottery
d) Sesame seeds

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