Special Senses Part 3 Question Preview (ID: 46966)

Kinesthesia And Vision. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Fluid-filled canals that contain the sense receptors for balance and equilibrium.
a) Semicircular canals
b) Cochlea
c) Eustachian tubes
d) Auditory canal

Your sense of balance and equilibrium is also known as...
a) Kinesthetic sense
b) Gustatory sense
c) Olfactory sense
d) Auditory sense

Transparent membrane that covers the front surface of the eye and lines the eyelids.
a) Conjunctiva
b) Sclera
c) Cornea
d) Lens

The middle layer of the wall of the eyeball that contains blood vessels and intrinsic eye muscles
a) Choroid
b) Cornea
c) Retina
d) Sclera

The opening in the eye through which light enters.
a) Pupil
b) Lens
c) Cornea
d) Retina

Where would you find the intrinsic muscles that control the size of the pupil?
a) Iris
b) Lens
c) Cornea
d) Fovea centralis

What structure in the eye bends the incoming light to make it focus on the fovea?
a) Lens
b) Iris
c) Pupil
d) Cornea

What term refers to sharply and clearly we see things?
a) Visual acuity
b) Accommodation
c) Macular degeneration
d) Retinal myopathy

In which lobe of the cerebrum would you find the visual center?
a) Occipital lobe
b) Frontal lobe
c) Temporal lobe
d) Parietal lobe

Which visual receptors only allow us to see things in black and white?
a) Rods
b) Cones
c) Cylinders
d) Rectangles

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