Ancient Greece Test Review Question Preview (ID: 46949)

Test Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Citizens in ancient Greece were people who
a) had legal rights to make laws and decisions
b) had paid taxes which gave them voting rights
c) had fought in war to gain legal rights

In an oligarchy type of government
a) political power is held by one person only
b) political power is held by a small group of people
c) everyone has the right to vote

A democracy is a type of government that is
a) run by one person
b) run by a few people
c) ruled by the people

A tyranny is a type of government that is
a) ruled by the people
b) run by a few people
c) run by a strong ruler

Which geographic features does Greece not have?
a) mountains
b) deserts
c) islands

How did Spartan government differ from Athenian government?
a) Sparta was led by two kings, Athens had a democracy
b) Sparta was ruled by a monarchy, Athens had a democracy
c) Sparta was a democracy, Athens had an oligarchy

Why was it difficult to grow crops in ancient Greece?
a) they recieved too much rainfall
b) the land was steep and rocky
c) the land was covered in deserts

What was the name of the first Greek civilization?
a) The Minoans
b) The Persians
c) The Spartans

What is one thing the city-state of Sparta had in common with the city-state of Athens?
a) They both had the same government
b) They both had strong navys
c) The both spoke the Greek language

The belief in many gods is known as
a) polytheism
b) monotheism
c) Confucianism

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