PE Investigation 8 Question Preview (ID: 46938)

Biodiversity. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is biodiversity?
a) Is the variety of species, their genetic make-up, and the natural communities in which they occur.
b) The number of plants throughout the world.
c) The number of different animals existing.
d) The study of life.

Which effects biodiversity loss the most?
a) Habitat Destruction
b) Introduced Species
c) Pollution
d) Population Growth

Which of the following best describes biodiversity?
a) Endangered species.
b) Different planets in our solar system.
c) The variety of all life on earth.
d) Biographies about famous biologists.

Japanese kudzu has become invasive in the U.S., taking over many forest ecosystems. This scenario is common with __________________
a) native species
b) endangered species
c) non-native species
d) keystone species

What are some problems that negatively affect biodiversity?
a) Invasive species
b) habitat destruction
c) Both of these options.
d) Neither of these options.

Pollution damages ecosystems and decreases biodiversity by __________________.
a) Causing genetic diversity
b) Causing species diversity
c) Causes mutations
d) Releasing harmful substances

How can habitat loss affect biodiversity?
a) A. It will lead to new species taking over all of the habitats.
b) It will reduce biodiversity of the area.
c) It will lead to climate change.
d) It will cause the animals to get sick.

Why is biodiversity important in fighting disease in food crops?
a) It prevents one disease from wiping out an entire food crop.
b) It prevents habitat loss of native species.
c) It provides different foods for different populations.
d) It prevents fungal disease from spreading to grazing animals.

Areas with higher biodiversity are found __________.
a) Closer to the equator
b) Closer to the poles
c) In the desert
d) In the tundra

Globally, the leading cause of biodiversity loss is __________________
a) invasive species
b) poaching and overharvesting
c) pollution
d) habitat change and loss

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