Special Senses Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 46928)

Smell, Taste, And Hearing. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The bumps on the tongue that give it a gripping surface.
a) Papillae
b) Taste Buds
c) Cochlea
d) Meissner's corpuscles

The sense of smell.
a) Olfactory sense
b) Gustatory sense
c) Auditory sense
d) Kinesthetic sense

The visible part of the external ear.
a) Pinna
b) Cochlea
c) Tympanic membrane
d) Malleus

The collective name for the 3 bones in the middle ear.
a) Ossicles
b) Auricles
c) Stapes
d) Pinnas

In which lobe of the cerebrum would you find he center for taste?
a) Parietal
b) Occipital
c) Frontal
d) Temporal

What is the scientific name for the eardrum?
a) Tympanic membrane
b) Oval membrane
c) External acoustic meatus
d) Ossicle

What tube allows air into and out of the middle ear to balance the air pressure on the eardrum?
a) Eustachian tube
b) Tympanic tube
c) Semicircular canal
d) Organ of Corti

Which is NOT one of the bones in the middle ear?
a) Sclera
b) Malleus
c) Incus
d) Stapes

What structure, located at the end of the cochlea, contains the sense receptors for hearing?
a) Organ of Corti
b) Eustachian tube
c) Semicircular canals
d) Retina

Which bone receives the sound wave vibrations from the eardrum?
a) Malleus
b) Incus
c) Stapes
d) Sclera

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