Earth's Motion, Seasons, Moon Phases, Eclipses, Space Question Preview (ID: 46887)

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What would best represent revolution?
a) spinning top
b) race car on a race track
c) up and down motion
d) side by side motion

In the summer the Northern Hemisphere is tilted
a) away from the sun
b) parallel to the sun
c) toward the sun
d) neither toward or away from the sun

In the winter the North Pole has
a) constant daytime
b) constant nighttime
c) 12 hours of daylight
d) 12 hours of night time

When the axis of Earth is tilted toward the sun, we are having
a) spring
b) summer
c) fall
d) winter

During which seasons is the axis of Earth not tilted toward or away from the sun?
a) summer and fall
b) winter and spring
c) spring and summer
d) fall and spring

The day of the year where the daylight hours are longer than nighttime hours is
a) spring equinox
b) winter solstice
c) summer solstice
d) fall equinox

The days of the year when we have approximately 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of nighttime
a) equinox
b) solstice
c) aphelion
d) perihelion

The point in Earth's orbit that is farthest from the sun
a) solstice
b) perihelion
c) equinox
d) aphelion

The day of the year when the nighttime is longer than the daytime
a) summer solstice
b) fall equinox
c) spring equinox
d) winter solstice

The point in Earth's orbit that is closest to the Sun
a) aphelion
b) perihelion
c) solstice
d) equinox

Why does the moon appear to change shape?
a) because Earth spins on its axix
b) because the moon revolves around the Earth
c) because the moon spins on it's axis
d) because Earth's axis is tilted relative to the moon

The revolution of Earth around the Sun gives us
a) a day
b) a week
c) a month
d) a year

The revolution of the moon around Earth gives us
a) a week
b) a month
c) a day
d) a year

The rotation of Earth on its axis gives us a
a) day
b) week
c) month
d) year

Seasons occur because
a) the moon orbits the Earth
b) the Earth spins on its axis
c) the Earth orbits around the sun
d) of aphelion and perihelion

You observe a thin crescent moon in the western sky during the early evening. Two weeks later a full moon is visible in the eastern sky in the early evening. Which conclusion is best supported by these observations
a) The Earth's axis is tilted relative to the moon
b) the moon revolves around the Earth
c) the moon rotates on its axis
d) Earth revolves around the sun

A heliocentric model of the solar system means
a) the sun and planets revolve around the Earth
b) the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun
c) the sun and planets rotate around the Earth
d) the Earth and other planets rotate around the Sun

The force that keeps the planets in orbits around the sun is
a) acceleration
b) kinetic energy
c) gravity
d) inertia

Order the follow according to size from largest to smallest.
a) solar system, universe, galaxy
b) universe, galaxy, solar system
c) solar system, galaxy, universe
d) galaxy, universe, solar system

A geocentric model of the solar system means
a) the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun
b) the sun and planets rotate around the Earth
c) the Earth and other planets rotate around the Sun
d) the sun and planets revolve around the Earth

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