Unit 9 East And Southeast Asia Question Preview (ID: 46877)

Culture And Geography. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which country is an example of an unlimited government?
a) North Korea
b) Japan
c) Thailand

The religious majority throughout East and Southeast Asia is…
a) Muslim
b) Hindu
c) Buddhists
d) Jewish

Many cultures in East Asia are distinguished by a strong respect for elders and ancestors. These cultural characteristics are reflected in the traditions of-
a) Hinduism
b) Capitalism
c) Shintoism
d) Confucianism

Which east Asian country has an economy much like Japan?
a) China
b) North Korea
c) South Korea

A Shogun ruled for whom in the 1100’s to 1800’s?
a) emperors
b) people
c) peasants

Which dynasty in China is responsible for the building of the Great Wall?
a) Zhou
b) Qin
c) Shang
d) Missouri

Which East Asian government can be described as rule by one and is unlimited?
a) North Korea
b) Japan
c) South Korea

Opportunities for citizen participation in the political process are suppressed in countries like North Korea because-
a) the government is unlimited
b) the religious leaders are in control
c) Confucianism is present

What was the purpose of the Silk Road?
a) trade with China
b) Trade with Europe, Asia and China
c) To make silk

Tropical storms like typhoons and hurricanes can cause-
a) good crops
b) drought
c) death

What was the United States’ initial interest in Japan?
a) trading
b) colonizing
c) conquering
d) war

Why is Angkor Wat prominently displayed on the flag of Cambodia?
a) The U.S. defeated them at Pearl Harbor
b) It is a symbol of the long religious and political history of the people of Cambia
c) Country was invaded by Chinese Army.

Which Southeast Asian country was not colonized?
a) Laos
b) Thailand
c) Phillipines
d) Malaysia

Which East Asian cultural belief is reflected in art such as in painting?
a) nature
b) communism
c) economy

The successful trade in Japanese electronics has resulted in the diffusion of what popular recreational activity?
a) texting
b) video games
c) painting

Which government policy, intended to regulate society, is used in both North Korea and China?
a) Bans against smoking
b) It closed off trade with the outside world.
c) Censorship of free speech

North Korea is considered an example of an unlimited government because-
a) heredity determines who is the leader
b) military leaders have nuclear weapons
c) one family has ruled with absolute authority

Which East Asian country has an economy that operates most like that of Japan?
a) South Korea
b) North Korea
c) China

Which country in East Asia has historically experienced more diffusion of culture from Western nations as compared to other East Asian countries?
a) China
b) Japan
c) North Korea

The people of Japan are affected by what natural occurrences?
a) Drought and tornados
b) droughts and monsoons
c) earthquakes, floods and volcanoes

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