STAAR REVIEW (Constitution, Early Republic) Question Preview (ID: 46872)

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What amendment established the principle of federalism (rights not given to the federal government are given to the states)?
a) 1st Amendment
b) 4th Amendment
c) 8th Amendment
d) 10 Amendment

What amendment protects U.S. citizens from cruel and unusual punishment?
a) 1st Amendment
b) 4th Amendment
c) 8th Amendment
d) 10th Amendment

What amendment protects U.S. citizens from no unreasonable search and seizure?
a) 1st Amendment
b) 4th Amendment
c) 8th Amendment
d) 10 Amendment

What is a way citizens serve on juries to determine verdicts in court cases?
a) Witness testimony
b) Jury duty
c) Calling the police
d) None of the above

What amendment protects speech, religion, press, assembly and petition for U.S. citizens?
a) 1st Amendment
b) 4th Amendment
c) 8th Amendment
d) 10th Amendment

To amend the Constitution, what is needed in both houses of Congress and State legislatures before it is approved?
a) 2/3, 3/4
b) 2/3, 1/2
c) 3/4, 2/3
d) 5/8, 2/3

What Constitution principle made sure that each branch of government makes sure any one branch of government from getting too powerful?
a) Separation of Powers
b) Limited Government
c) Checks and Balances
d) Popular Sovereignty

What group were against the Constitution, wanted the Bill of Rights and were led by Patrick Henry and George Mason?
a) Anti-Federalists
b) Federalists
c) Whigs
d) Democratic-Republicans

What group supported the Consitution, wanted a stronger central government, and were led by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison?
a) Democratic-Republicans
b) Federalists
c) Whigs
d) Anti-Federalists

What was the first government of the United States that could negotiate treaties and declare war but had no Executive Branch?
a) Federalists Papers
b) Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
c) U.S. Constitution
d) Articles of Confederation

What agreement states how slaves would count for representation and taxation purposes?
a) 3/5th Compromise
b) Super Compromise
c) 4/6th Compromise
d) Enslaved Census

What law established a way for admitting new states to the United States?
a) Treaty of Paris
b) Northwest Ordinance
c) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
d) Southeast Ordinance

What agreement set up the government into two houses (bicameral) and decided how many representatives large and small states would send to Congress?
a) Compromise of 1820
b) Compromise of 1850
c) Compromise of Compromises
d) Great Compromise

What event occurred in 1787?
a) The Constitution was signed.
b) The Declaration of Independence was signed
c) Jamestown was founded
d) The Civil War was fought

Alexander Hamilton's financial plan was
a) establish a National Bank
b) pay off war debts
c) pass a whiskey tax (tariff)
d) All of the above

What was Washington's response to the Whiskey Rebellion?
a) He sent in troops to stop it
b) He did not to anything
c) He set up a meeting with the farmers
d) None of the above

In what speech did Washington warned against foreign alliance (staying neutral) and political parties?
a) Farewell Address
b) Inaugural Address
c) State of the Union
d) US-France Alliance

What political party was led by Alexander Hamilton, wanted a more powerful government, and National Bank?
a) Federalists
b) Democratic-Republicans
c) Anti-Federalists
d) Whigs

What political party was led by Thomas Jefferson, wanted less powerful government, and no National Bank?
a) Democratic-Republicans
b) Federalists
c) Anti-Federalists
d) Whigs

President John Adams passed this law that angered many Americans and violated freedom of speech. What was it?
a) Alien and Sedition Act
b) Monroe Doctrine
c) Fugitive Slave Act
d) Homestead Act

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