STAAR REVIEW (Exploration, Colonization, American Revolution) Question Preview (ID: 46869)

Review For STAAR Test (Exploration, Colonization, American Revolution). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The main reason for the American Revolution was this?
a) No new Taxes
b) Representation without Taxation
c) New Deal Plans
d) Taxation without Representation

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are examples of what?
a) Unalienable Rights
b) Awesome Rights
c) Incredible Rights
d) None of the above

What law (acts) were passed a response to the Boston Tea Party?
a) Tea Acts
b) Townshed Acts
c) Stamp Acts
d) Intolerable Acts

Why was the Battle of Saratoga the turning point of the American Revolution?
a) It convinced France to join the English in the war
b) It convinced Spanish to join the colonies in the war
c) It convinced France to join the colonies in the war
d) None of the above

The Proclamation of 1763 forbid colonists from west of the
a) Rocky Mountains
b) Appalachian Mountains
c) Smokey Mountains
d) Sierra Madre Mountains

What reason established the growth of representative/self government in the English Colonies?
a) Mayflower Compact
b) Virginia House of Burgesses
c) Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
d) All of the above

What English colonies was set up as a haven for Catholics?
a) New York
b) Florida
c) Pennsylvania
d) Maryland

What religious group was the first anti-slavery in the colonies and were located in Pennsylvania?
a) Quakers
b) Catholics
c) Baptists
d) Lutherans

What English region is known for having plantations, growing cash crops and being involved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade?
a) New England Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) Western Colonies
d) Middle Colonies

What English region was known for fishing, lumber, shipbuilding and natural harbors?
a) Southern Colonies
b) Middle Colonies
c) New England
d) None of the above

France came to the New World to make money by doing what?
a) Trading fur
b) Building missions
c) Building ships
d) Selling slaves

Which European country claimed Florida, Texas, California and built missions in the New World?
a) Netherlands
b) Spain
c) France
d) Great Britain

What are the reasons for European exploration to the New World?
a) Wealth
b) Religion
c) Expansion of empires
d) All of the above

What important event occurred in 1607?
a) Jamestown was founded
b) The Civil War was fought
c) The Louisiana Purchase occurred
d) The Constitution was signed.

What important event occurred in 1776
a) The Constitution was signed.
b) The Declaration of Independence
c) The Louisiana Purchase occurred
d) The Civil War was fought

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