Cells Question Preview (ID: 46868)

6th Grade Cells. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Bacteria cells lack a true nucleus. What type of cell is a bacteria cell?
a) fungal cell
b) prokaryotic cell
c) eukaryotic cell
d) viral cell

Plant cells have a cell wall, nucleus, and a vacuole. Plant cells are considered to be-
a) unicellular
b) eukaryotic
c) prokaryotic
d) heterotrophic

Which type of cell is more complex?
a) prokaryotic
b) eukaryotic
c) periodic
d) nucleotic

All eukaryotic cells have a-
a) cell wall
b) flagellum
c) nucleus
d) chloroplast

Which of the following would not be found in a prokaryotic cell?
a) genetic information (DNA)
b) cytoplasm
c) nucleus
d) cell membrane

Which type of cell is more simple?
a) prokaryotic
b) eukartyotic
c) periodic
d) nucleotic

What do all cells have in common?
a) They all have a nucleus
b) They all have a cell wall
c) They all have genetic material (DNA)
d) They all have chlorophyll

Which of the following is made of cells?
a) ocean water
b) glass bowl
c) oak tree
d) cement sidewalk

Which is the reason fire is not a living organism?
a) It requires oxygen to burn.
b) It requires fuel to burn
c) It can move from place to place
d) It is not composed of cells

What do a mushroom, an amoeba, and a 6th grader have in common?
a) They all belong to the Animal Kingdom.
b) They are all composed of one or more cells.
c) They are all composed solely of liquids and gases.
d) They are all classified as inverterbrates.

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