The Verb 'Tener' Question Preview (ID: 46859)
Tener Conjugations.
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yo tengo
a) I have
b) you have (polite)
c) she has
d) he has
nosotras tenemos (feminine)
a) she has
b) we have (masculine)
c) they have (feminine)
d) we have (feminine)
nosotros tenemos (masculine)
a) they have (feminine)
b) you have (formal)
c) we have (masculine)
d) we have (feminine)
ella tiene
a) I have
b) she has
c) he has
d) they have (masculine)
él tiene
a) he has
b) she has
c) we have (feminine)
d) you have (formal)
tú tienes
a) he has
b) they have (feminine)
c) you have (familiar)
d) you have (polite)
ellas tienen
a) they have (feminine)
b) they have (masculine)
c) we have (feminine)
d) we have (masculine)
ellos tienen
a) we have (feminine)
b) we have (masculine)
c) I have
d) they have (masculine)
yo tengo cinco tíos
a) you have five uncles
b) I have five uncles
c) they have five uncles
d) he has five uncles
tú tienes tres hermanos
a) you have three brothers (familiar)
b) she has three brothers
c) you have three brothers (polite)
d) we have three brothers (feminine)
ella tiene ocho primos
a) he has eight cousins
b) she has eight cousins
c) we have eight cousins (feminine)
d) they have eight cousins
ellos tienen seis hermanas
a) they have six sisters (masculine)
b) they have six sisters (feminine)
c) we have six sisters (feminine)
d) I have six sisters
nosotras tenemos dos abuelas
a) they have two grandmothers (feminine)
b) they have two grandmothers (masculine)
c) we have two grandmothers (masculine)
d) we have two grandmothers (feminine)
nosotros tenemos un nieto
a) they have one grandson (feminine)
b) we have one grandson (masculine)
c) I have one grandson
d) we have one grandson (feminine)
él tiene diez primas
a) he has ten female cousins
b) she has ten male cousins
c) I have ten female cousins
d) You have ten male cousins
I have two parents
a) yo tengo un padre
b) yo tengo dos abuelos
c) yo tengo dos padres
d) yo tengo dos tíos
él tiene un padrastro
a) he has a stepmother
b) he has a grandfather
c) he has a grandmother
d) he has a stepfather
ellas tienen siete tías
a) they have seven aunts (feminine)
b) they have seven aunts (masculine)
c) we have seven aunts (feminine)
d) I have seven aunts
ustedes tienen
a) I have
b) you have (familiar)
c) she has
d) you all have
usted tiene
a) you have (polite)
b) you all have
c) I have
d) they have (masculine)
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