Biological Evolution Question Preview (ID: 46856)

Evolution Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

___________ structures are similar because they evolved from common ancestors
a) analogous
b) homologous
c) Darwin
d) lateral

________ structures are similar because the organism needed to fill similar needs in their envornments.
a) homologous
b) analogous
c) Darwin
d) dorsal

A _______ is a structure that no longer serves its original purpose.
a) homologous
b) analogous
c) vestigial
d) hepatic

Which of these is a vestigial structure?
a) an eagle's claw
b) the color of a male peacock
c) the teeth of a shark
d) the muscles that pull the hair on human's arms

Who developed the theory of natural selection?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Gregor Mendel
c) Rachel Carson
d) Charles Darwin

__________ is gradual change in an species over time.
a) photosynthesis
b) evolution
c) transpiration
d) half life

Process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment survive and produce more offspring.
a) condensation
b) metamorphosis
c) extinction
d) natural selection

________ is a measure of an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment.
a) fitness
b) maturation
c) salivation
d) secretion

a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce
a) transpiration
b) adaptation
c) mitosis
d) oligarchy

_________ selection occurs when human choose which organisms reproduce in order to obtain certain desirable traits.
a) mitosis
b) natural
c) artificial
d) phalanges

The similar bone structure in the forelimbs of humans, bat, and whales is an example of _______
a) homologous structures
b) radial symmetry
c) analogous structures
d) indigenous people

The development of fins in penguin, fish, and whales is an example of ________
a) homologous structures
b) radial symmetry
c) analogous structures
d) appendectomy

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