6LS4 And 5 Ecosystems, Biomes,invasive Species Question Preview (ID: 46855)

General Information Regarding Ecosystems. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A biotic factor is ....
a) a living thing
b) nonliving thing
c) producer

What could threaten a biome?
a) drought
b) normal amounts of sunlight
c) adequate (enough) rainfall
d) proper temperatures

An invasive species is one that...
a) is NOT native
b) really beautiful
c) eats everything
d) makes no difference to the ecosystem

Two members of the same species fight over something... This is an example of....
a) competition
b) community
c) commensalism
d) mutuality

The word detrimental means....
a) bad for the environment
b) good for the environment
c) does nothing
d) mentally unstable

Grass gains energy from the sun and is an example of a.....
a) producer
b) consumer
c) parasite
d) decomposer

The biome with the most rainfall is
a) tropical rain forest
b) temperate forest
c) desert
d) taiga

The biome that we live in is the...
a) temperate forest
b) tropical rain forest
c) desert
d) taiga

The biome that is a cold desert is the...
a) tundra
b) taiga
c) tropical rainforestq
d) temperate forest

What biome has the greatest diversity( different kinds of life) due to its rainfall and temperatures?
a) tropical rainforest
b) temperate forest
c) desert
d) tundra

What biome has the largest land mass in the world?
a) taiga
b) tundra
c) tropical rainforest
d) temperate forest

What biome has enough rain for it NOT to be a desert but not enough to grow big trees. Mrs. Younces brother lives in this biome in Colorado
a) grassland
b) temperate forest
c) tropical rainforest
d) taiga

An invasive species does not have.....
a) a natural predator
b) prey
c) parasite
d) host

Where would you most likely find elephants and lions
a) savannah
b) tropical rainforest
c) temperate forest
d) desert

Another name for a plant is....
a) producer
b) consumer
c) parasite
d) host

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