Unit 25 Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 46851)

Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is NOT something Latin America faced during the Cold War?
a) They were overly reliant on foreign countries for technology
b) Economic failures led to political instability
c) Repressive military regimes began to arise
d) Communism began to flourish in poverty ridden countries

True or False: The United States and the Soviet Union funded armed groups to ensure that governments sympathetic to them gained or stayed in power and that hostile governments fell
a) True
b) False

True or False: Rural women played more traditional roles than urban women in Africa
a) True
b) False

Which of the following is NOT true about Nelson Mandela?
a) He was imprisoned for 26 years
b) Created the the first Republican national election
c) He turned down early freedom due to the conditions
d) He was the first black president of South Africa

Which of the following did NOT happen in Africa after countries began to gain their independence?
a) Apartheid
b) Pan Africanism
c) Countries were drawn into Proxy Wars fought during the Cold War
d) African Countries began to work together to form a equal form of government

Which of the following is NOT true of society in the Middle East?
a) Women were never seen as equal to men
b) Women in the 70's began to lose their rights
c) Novelist began to write stories about non elite people
d) Women for many years lived equal to men

True or False: The Camp David Accords ended all disputes between the Israelis and Egyptians.
a) True
b) False

True or False: Due to the Iraqi being mostly Shia Muslims and the Iranians being Sunni Muslims they were hostile toward one another.
a) True
b) False

Why was Yom Kippur in 1973 so important for Israel?
a) They were able to regain Gaza
b) UAR president Nassar died
c) There was a surprise attack launched against them
d) Israel returned Sinai and Golan Heights

Who did India side with during the Cold War?
a) Soviets
b) United States
c) Other developing countries
d) No one

Which of the following did NOT happen after India gained their independence?
a) Rapid Population growth
b) Widespread Poverty
c) Hindu/Muslim Conflict
d) War with Pakistan

A great city that is made up of several large and small cities ___________________.
a) Cartel
b) Magic realism
c) Megacity
d) Privatization

True or False: Women's role in the work force changed in Latin America after the war.
a) True
b) False

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