Unit 25 Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 46850)

Part 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Jawaharlal Nehru's refusal to align India with any bloc or alliance is called _____________________
a) principle of nonalignment
b) Discrimination
c) Pan-Arabism
d) Intrifada

____________________ is prejudicial treatment usually based on race, religion, class, sex, or age
a) principle of nonalignment
b) Discrimination
c) Pan-Arabism
d) Intrifada

Arab Unity is also known as ___________
a) principle of nonalignment
b) Discrimination
c) Pan-Arabism
d) Intrifada

______________ also meaning uprising,was a militant movement that arose during the 1980's among supporters of the Palestine Liberation Organization living in the West Bank and Gaza
a) principle of nonalignment
b) Discrimination
c) Pan-Arabism
d) Intrifada

______________ or apartness; is the system of racial segregation in South Africa from the 1950s until 1991
a) Apartheid
c) Privatization
d) trade embargo

_______________ is a virus that destroys the immune system that should protect the body from diseases. The disease is passed from person to person through sexual acts, blood transfusions, used hypodermic needles, or from mother to child during birth.
a) Apartheid
c) Privatization
d) trade embargo

__________________ is the sale of government owned companies to private firms
a) Apartheid
c) Privatization
d) trade embargo

A policy prohibiting trade with a particular country is ___________________.
a) Apartheid
c) Privatization
d) trade embargo

____________ is a form of expression unique to Latin American literature; it combines realistic events with dreamlike or fantasy backgrounds
a) Cartel
b) Magic realism
c) Megacity
d) Privatization

_______________ is a groups of drug businesses
a) Cartel
b) Magic realism
c) Megacity
d) Privatization

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