Unit 24 Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 46849)

Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How did the Soviets respond to the Marshall Plan?
b) Warsaw Pact
c) The Berlin Wall
d) The Berlin Blockade

Which country was not give a part of Germany when divided into 4 zones?
a) United States
b) Soviet Union
c) France
d) China

What is the reason the Soviets established a blockade in Berlin?
a) Marshall Plan
b) Truman Doctrine
c) Unification of West Berlin
d) Policy of Containment

What is the MAIN reason the Soviets lifted the blockade?
a) Fear of WWIII
b) People in East Berlin began to die
c) The German people took down the Berlin wall
d) The Western powers threatened the Soviets

Who was NOT apart of NATO
a) France
b) United States
c) Canada
d) East Germany

Who was NOT apart of the Warsaw Pact?
a) West Germany
b) Soviets
c) Bulgaria
d) Poland

Which of the following is NOT true about the Berlin Wall?
a) Machine Gun towers guarded it
b) It was 28 miles long
c) It represented a symbol of division between superpowers
d) The Allied Powers established it as a policy of containment

Which of the following is NOT a direct result of the Great Leap Forward?
a) Establishment of 26,000 communes
b) Women and Men worked side by side
c) Due to its success, it vaulted China into the final stage of communism
d) 15 million people died of starvation

True or False: The Little Red Book was like a Bible to the people of China.
a) True
b) False

Which of the following is NOT true of China and the Soviets relationship in the late 1950's?
a) The Chinese disagreed with the Soviets policy on Germany
b) The Chinese wanted the Soviets to go on the offensive side and take Taiwan
c) The Chinese were not happy with the amount of economic aid provided by the Soviets
d) China and the Soviets broke out into clashes after tensions rose

True or False: South Korea invaded North Korea to begin the Korean War
a) True
b) False

How did the Korean War end?
a) Treaty
b) Armistice
c) Surrender
d) Military Takeover

Which of the following was NOT a result of The Bay of Pigs?
a) Exiled fighters surrendered
b) 114 people were killed
c) The Soviets placed Nukes in Cuba
d) The CIA was able to take a shot at Castro however the bullet missed

Where did the US place their nuclear missiles?
a) Germany
b) Turkey
c) Korea
d) India

True or False: Most American opposed the Vietnam War.
a) True
b) False

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Vietnam War?
a) Nixon removed soldiers from Vietnam
b) America resumed relations with China
c) Vietnam was forcibly reunited
d) Proved American's fear that there was only one form of Communism

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