Unit 24 Cold War Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 46848)

Part 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

_______________is the idea that if one country falls to communism,neighboring countries will also fall
a) Domino Theory
b) Proxy War
c) Permanent Revolution
d) Commune

A war in which the powers in conflict use third parties as substitutes instead of fighting each other directly is a ___________________________
a) Domino Theory
b) Proxy War
c) Permanent Revolution
d) Commune

___________________ is an atmosphere of constant revolutionary fervor favored by Mao Zedong to enable China to overcome the past and achieve the final stage of communism
a) Domino Theory
b) Proxy War
c) Permanent Revolution
d) Commune

In China during the 50's, a group of collective farms, which contained more than 30,000 people who lived and worked together were called _______________________
a) Domino Theory
b) Proxy War
c) Permanent Revolution
d) Commune

a country that is economically and politically dependent on another country is called a _______________________
a) Satellite State
b) Policy of Containment
c) Arms Race
d) Deterrence

A plan to keep something, such as communism, within its existing geographical boundaries and prevent further aggressive moves is called _______________________
a) Satellite State
b) Policy of Containment
c) Arms Race
d) Deterrence

_________________ is building up armies and stores of weapons to keep up with an enemy
a) Satellite State
b) Policy of Containment
c) Arms Race
d) Deterrence

During the Cold War, the U.S. and Soviet policies of holding huge arsenals of nuclear weapons to prevent war; each nation believed that neither would launch a nuclear attack since both knew that the other side could strike back with devastating power
a) Satellite State
b) Policy of Containment
c) Arms Race
d) Deterrence

Which country created the Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine?
a) The Soviets
b) Germany
c) United States
d) Great Britain

How much money did the Marshall Plan give to Europe?
a) 10 Billion
b) 13 Billion
c) 13 Million
d) 10 Million

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