Physical Science/force/motion Question Preview (ID: 46845)

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when an object is stopped because forces rub together
a) acceleration
b) friction
c) force
d) gravity

if an object moves at a constant speed, we say the force is
a) balanced
b) unbalanced
c) speedy
d) contact

anything that has mass and takes up space
a) density
b) mass
c) matter
d) volume

stored energy
a) mechanical energy
b) potential energy
c) kinetic energy
d) electrical energy

a solid dissolved in water can be separated by
a) filtration
b) magnetism
c) evaporation
d) sifting

When one solution has more solute than another solution, it is said to be more _____.
a) diluted
b) dissolved
c) concentrated
d) saturated

In which temperature would sugar dissolve slowest?
a) boiling water
b) hot water
c) water at room temperature
d) ice water

Which would dissolve the fastest
a) sugar cubes in cold water
b) sugar crystals in cold water
c) sugar crystals in hot water
d) sugar cubes in hot water

to increase the concentration of a solution you
a) add more solvent
b) add more solute
c) increase the volume of the solution
d) increase the amount of water in the solution

physical change
a) rusty metal
b) sour milk
c) cutting hair
d) a compound

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